This was the first installment on CRYOGENICX, my portfolio site, and uses Macromedia Flash animation, which is how I got started in my design career.
A single hue was chosen in order to create a unified experience and allow users to focus on the expressive movement. The scale of the universe and the infinitesimal scope of cells were brought together into a single concept emphasizing the “point of view of objects.” The background sound effects were also created by me and add to the unique worldview of the piece.
Produce/Direction/Design/Flash Programming/Sound: Jun Awano (Cryogenicx, Kaiteki)
自身の原点ともなる Macromedia Flash のアニメーションを使用したポートフォリオサイト "CRYOGENICX" 第一弾。
ユーザに対して動きの表現のみにフォーカスさせるために色相を1つに統一。宇宙の壮大さ、対して細胞などの極微の世界を一つに表現し "物の視点" を追求した。背景にはオリジナルで作成した音源でさらに世界観を加えた。